
List of emails edit

Updated 22-06-2024

Account Email? Remarks
accounts Y -
achin Y -
arun Y -
bhagirathi N -
bansil Y -
chirag Y -
guest N Never logged in
info Y Aliases: sales, enquiries, support
kaushik Y -
kavan Suspended, Marked for Deletion
marketing Y Last login 6m ago
mukesh Y -
naren.dalal Y -
pratham Y -
pratham.raval Y -
priya N -
priyanka Deleted on 29-sep-2023
rajeev N Last login 2y ago
ramesh Suspended, Marked for Deletion
ramkumar Y Created Apr-2024.
varghese Y -
sanjay Y -
shakti Deleted
shubham N Last login 4m ago
siddharth Deleted in Jun-2024
stores2 N -
stores N Last login 3m ago
sunil Y -
tarunesh Y -
varunesh Y -
admin N -
vivek Y Enabled email on 23-Nov-2023.
yogesh Y -


  1. Accounts not linked to email accounts are only used for web-apps. These accounts do not get billed.
  2. Aliases allow receiving emails on the same inbox. So emails sent to sales@veeral end up in info@veeral inbox.
— Posted by pratham on 2023-08-16 /