
Travel reimbursement rules edit

Updated 04-09-2024

If you wish to skip reading the rules below, you can directly use the calculator.

Base allowance ( BA )

All touring staff will be entitled to a daily base allowance based on their employee level.

Level Names BA
Executive All employees who have been issued email ids 950
Technician All other employees 750

Site Allowance ( SA )

Apart from base allowance, employees will get a daily site allowance (SA) based on location / site.

This allowance will compensate for travel to sites that are located at a distance from the hotel. If the client is paying for the travel, this will be zero. Otherwise it be proportional to the distance between hotel and site.

The site allowance will be higher is a solo employee is visiting, and lower if a group is visiting (since transport costs get shared).

Site Updated SA (solo) SA (group)
BARC, Mumbai 23-08-2024 450 250
Signode, Hyderabad 12-08-2024 750 400
BHEL, Bhopal 20-06-2024 250 250
Kurnool 20-06-2024 0 0
BHEL, Hyderabad 20-06-2024 250 250

Transit allowance ( TA )

Apart from BA + SA, touring staff will get and extra transit allowance ( TA ).

Transit allowance is based on travel leg. For each travel leg, the employee is entitled to 500 INR as transit allowance.

A train / bus / flight under 100km will not be counted as a travel leg.

From Jul-2024 onwards, Technicians will get extra 500 INR as transit allowance since a majority of them stay outside of the cities.


  1. If a journey consists of 2 trains - one being 500km, the other being 1000km - this will be 2 legs. So the employee is entitled to 500 x 2 = 1000 INR.
  2. If the journey consists of a single flight, then the transit allowance is 1 x 500 = 500 INR.
  3. If the journey consists of a flight and then a bus ride ( 50km ), this is counted as a single leg, so the employee is entitled to 1 x 500 = 500 INR.

How are days counted ?

If the employee has spent at least 2 hours in a given day as part of the tour, we will count it as a full day.

We will start the tour at the departure time of the train / flight / bus from Ahmedabad. We will end the tour at the arrival time of the train / flight to Ahmedabad.


  1. Train departs Ahmedabad at 9.30pm: Day counted.
  2. Train arrives at Ahmedabad at 1am: Day not counted.
  3. Flight arrives at 5am: Day counted.

Itemized Receipts
  1. If the employee claims reimbursements equal to their BA + SA + TA entitlement, receipts are not needed.
  2. If the employee claims reimbursements greater than their BA + SA + TA entitlement, receipts are needed for all expenses. This option will eventually be removed.

Employees don't need to provide any printed documents. All payments will be based on the rules / calculator.


The exceptions to these rules are

  1. Items purchased for the service work. This should be specific to the installation in question ( screwdriver, hammer, capacitor, multimeter etc )
  2. Repair fees for work related items. This includes laptop or other equipment.
  3. All medical bills while on site.
  4. Any extra mandatory fare/fees directly charged by the hotel. This includes early check-in fees, cleaning fees, late checkout fees etc.

Such items can be claimed separately - along with receipts - and will be paid as cash vouchers. Everything else has to be paid from the BA + SA + TA allowance.

Flight / Trains

Veeral will book flight / trains for the travelers. This will be based on urgency and funds availability.

In case Veeral offers a train ticket and the traveler requests for a flight ticket, we will deduct an amount of INR 1000 from the travel allowance to make up for the difference.


Hotels will be now booked by the company itself. The employee should email one of the following and indicate which area of the city they wish to stay.

We will book a hotel in that area on makemytrip, goibibo or cleartrip and send the booking details to the employee.

This should ideally be done before leaving for the trip.

If the duration of the trip is uncertain, then we will book the hotel for 3 days and then keeping extending by 2-3 days.

If the employee wish to book the hotel themselves and be eligible for reimbursement later, they need written authorization from or

List of Hotels

I will maintain a list of acceptable hotels specific to each travel site. It should have the following points.

  1. Within 5km of site
  2. Within a certain budget range.

Based on availability, I will book any one of the hotels using an online aggregator and send the booking details to the touring staff.

— Posted by pratham on 2024-04-02 /